This anti-theft system not only protects the security of the product, but also does not affect the aesthetics of the store. A must-have anti-theft system for high-end retail stores.
What is Concealed EAS Anti-theft System
The stealth anti-theft device system is a kind of anti-theft system buried under the floor and invisible to users. Moreover, the concealed anti-theft system is a type of acoustic magnetic anti-theft system, and the frequency used is 58KHz.
This anti-theft antenna is installed under the floor. It solves the problem that the traditional anti-theft antenna affects the aesthetics, while maintaining excellent anti-theft performance of electronic goods.
Suitable for installation of various floor materials, wood floor, concrete or another floor. In addition, the installation methods are flexible and can be installed on simple concrete floors and concrete floors.
Mainly applicable to retail stores such as clothing stores, luggage stores, jewelry stores, fur stores, eyewear stores, cosmetics stores, sporting goods stores, maternal and child supplies stores
Characteristics of Hidden Form Eas System
Advantages of hidden buried anti-theft system
1. The detection rate and anti-interference are stronger than general acousto-magnetic equipment, the performance is very good, and its detection rate can generally reach more than 99%.
2. The burial is hidden under the floor, and customers cannot see it on the facade. Some stores do not want customers to see the vertical anti-theft antenna because of the space layout of the store and the high-end positioning of the product. This problem can be solved by burying the ground.
3. The anti-theft deterrent is strong. Generally, a thief will not enter the store entrance without an anti-theft antenna, and the anti-theft tag is relatively hidden. They will boldly go into the store to steal things. When exposed, the burial will sound an alarm, so the security will stop the thief. The effect of this invisible anti-theft on thieves is even more deterrent, and it also allows other people who have the thief to stop stealing.
4, the detection distance is wide, the detection height of general buried installation can reach 1.4 to 1.6 meters, and can also prevent theft in all directions.
Disadvantages of Hidden Underground Anti-theft Systems
1. High installation requirements. Since the hidden buried anti-theft device is installed under the floor, it needs to be installed while the store is still being renovated. If the underground is to be installed after the store is renovated, the floor or floor tiles need to be lifted. Such installation is tedious and time-consuming.
2, the price is higher than the vertical sound magnetic anti-theft device. The performance advantage of the buried anti-theft device determines that the price of the buried anti-theft device will be higher than that of the vertical acoustic magnetic anti-theft device, but it will take a long time. It is also a good choice.
Choose Invisible EAS Anti-theft Device In The Following Situations
1. Mittlere bis gehobene Bekleidungs-, Schuh-, Taschen- und Kosmetikgesch?fte, diese Gesch?fte haben eine h?here Kundenfrequenz und eine bessere Benutzererfahrung, sodass diese Art von Gesch?ft am besten für versteckte Diebstahlsicherungen geeignet ist. Keine Wegfahrsperren mehr.
2. Aufgrund der Anordnung des Ladens k?nnen Sie, wenn die vertikale Antenne installiert ist und aufgrund von St?rungen nicht durch Diebstahlsicherung verhindert werden kann, nur eine versteckte, vergrabene Diebstahlsicherung w?hlen.
3. Wenn der Türabstand des Gesch?fts sehr gering ist, beeintr?chtigt die Installation vertikaler Diebstahlsicherungsantennen den Betrieb des Gesch?fts oder der Türabstand ist zu gering, um die vertikale Diebstahlsicherungsantenne vollst?ndig zu installieren.
In der obigen Einführung glaube ich, dass jeder auch ein gewisses Verst?ndnis für das versteckte Anti-Diebstahl-System hat. Im Allgemeinen entscheiden Unternehmen, welche Art von Diebstahlsicherung sie nach ihrem eigenen Budget und der Situation des Ladens installieren.
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach dieser versteckten Form des Diebstahlschutzsystems sind, sollten Sie sich für die Produkte des Bohang-Anti-Diebstahl-Antennenherstellers entscheiden.